Keeping A Strong Circle of Friends
Friendships are an important part of our lives. They make us feel good, give us hope and inspiration. Friends comfort us in times of stress. We look to other people for encouragement and as a source of happiness. They can be part of a support system that can get us through the rough spots in our existence.
However, what happens when some of our friends become a cause of our stress? When they do not seem to have our best interests in mind? There are times where our friends are not friends.
Humanity always had a tendency to put self-interest before the welfare of others. But not everyone acts that way. The challenge in our years is to sort out friends that are healthy to our own being. To maintain relationships that will promote your well-being and contentment. There comes a time to discard those friends who are negative or even hostile.
There are people who take advantage of the boundaries of friendship. They treat each other poorly, without care for any consequences. As an example, consider people who act differently when they are in different situations. Another type is the gossip who always talks bad about others, undercutting everyone he or she knows. In addition to these so-called ‘friends,’ there are those who manipulate others. All of these actions are done under the umbrella of friendship.
These are the types of relationships that could be described as toxic. It is important to be aware of these tainted ‘friendships’ and do what is needed to get rid of them. For your benefit, they are not healthy.
You should always be watching out for any warning signs that your friends might not be the best fit for you. Do you find yourself feeling like some of your friends take more than they give? Is there a feeling they are not supportive when you need an emotional lift? One-sided relationships do not allow for personal growth, promoting the positive characteristics in a person.
Finding yourself around people who care more about their own welfare than yours makes life a struggle. Life is too short to waste energy in maintaining relationships that make you uncomfortable. The hardest thing is to identify these difficult people and get them out of your inner circle.
What do you do when you realize that it is time to get rid of these unproductive relationships? It is not easy to break it off with people, even under the worst conditions. But it is something that needs to be done. Be upfront and do not be afraid. If you encounter any hostility or aggression, then it is a clear signal that you are making the right decision.
The scaling back of your group of friends will mean that there will be fewer people in your life, and that can be difficult to deal with. Remember, it is better to have a small circle of positive friends than a large group of acquaintances that give you unhappiness.
Do not worry—you will survive. Remind yourself that you are able to enjoy your own company. Treat yourself well. Take yourself out for a cup of coffee. Enjoy your life. With time, you will be able to friends that will enrich your life. Do not be afraid to let go of the people who make you uncomfortable.